Tag Archives: OnceWed

DIY Bridesmaid Headbands via OnceWed

I one thing I love most about reading Wedding Blogs are the creative ideas that you can find!

Remember my post a couple weeks ago on Rachel’s headband? Well I must really have a thing for headbands because today I have another headband to experiment with!

OnceWed did a recent post on creating your own DIY Brides{maid} headbands.  To be honest, I would wear these anytime, not just for weddings.



Materials & tools

-2 Different trims, both measuring from ear to ear, across forehead

-1 Ribbon, circumference of head

-1.5” Piece of ¼” elastic

-Needle & thread

-Hot glue gun and glue



Steps 1 & 2-Start with ribbon, glue edge and fold it over a ¼”.

Step 3-Center elastic on ribbon and glue down a ¼” in from folded edge.


Step 4-Glue along folded edge, overtop of the elastic, and fold in again, a ¼”. Then, fold and glue elastic back over itself, as pictured.

Step 5-Repeat steps 1-4 on other end of ribbon, joining the ends together.

Step 6 & 7-Layout trims and find centers of headband and bottom trim by folding in half, then tack together at centers with hot glue.


Step 8-Finish gluing bottom trim into place slowly, only gluing inch by inch, because hot glue dries quickly and you want to avoid any lumps or bumps.

Step 9-Stitch and gather headband ribbon just behind the edge of first trim, repeat on opposite side

Steps 10-11-Glue finishing trim onto first trim, slowly gluing and placing for a nice and even finish.

all images and directions via OnceWed {source}

Don’t you love it!?

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Filed under Accessories, DIY, Great Finds